
Welcome to the Website of Great Leighs Primary School

Great Leighs Primary School is a seven year group village primary school set in an idyllic rural location. Our school’s mission is to develop confident, happy learners who are keen to find out about the world we live in and who have high aspirations for themselves. We promote a healthy lifestyle, encouraging children to be physically active, aware of the importance in having a balanced diet, good routines, plenty of sleep and a good work/play balance.

At Great Leighs Primary School, we put the welfare of children first, believing that happy children learn well. We recognise the importance of developing the whole child and preparing them for the wider, diverse world in which they live.

The school has very strong community links, a flourishing PTA (FOGLS) and supportive Governing Body. As well as offering a challenging, interesting, broad and engaging topic-based curriculum for our pupils, we promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding through assemblies, extra-curricular provision, focused learning days and weeks.

The school has a dedicated and enthusiastic staff who nurture and encourage our pupils to love learning, grow in self-confidence and to become responsible young people. We are happy to meet with parents to discuss any issues that arise and encourage parents to come and talk to us if they have any concerns. Parents are kept up to date with school events and activities through weekly newsletters and an on-line communication system – ParentMail.

We welcome visits to our school, which should be made via the school office.  For more insight into our school, why not download our School Prospectus.

James Garlick


Please note: Paper copies of any information on the website are available from the school office.

FOGLS Work Book Day Book Sale

March 3 @ 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm

Flatford Residential Year 5

March 5 @ 9:00 am - March 7 @ 3:00 pm

West Stow Yr. 4

March 20 @ 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

FOGLS Quiz Night

March 22 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm